gas dynamic situation, gas carrying capacity, coal massif, gas mixture, spent space, coal minesAbstract
The study of dynamic phenomena became much more complicated when the coal mining industry encountered large-scale manifestations of such a phenomenon as sudden releases of coal, accompanied by significant gas emissions. Sudden dynamic phenomena with an increase in the depth of working out of coal seams remain unforeseeable, as well as in working out (isolated) areas of operating mines. Coal and rock spills, gas emissions, which lead to gas-dynamic phenomena and fires, have been recorded in the exhausted (isolated) areas of active mines. Taking into account the parameters of the gas mixture, the state of the massif can be considered relatively stable with a positive tendency to stabilize the natural gas state, similar processes in water occur more slowly, which should be taken into account when conducting mining operations. Gas with water can migrate not only outside the production, but also outside the mine. All the given data testify to modern gas migration not only in undisturbed coal massifs, but also in the exhausted, technically isolated space, into which gases could migrate only vertically, which is due to the location of the production in the massif. On the basis of isotopic and gas-geochemical studies of methane, heavy hydrocarbons, carbon dioxide and helium, the polygenetic composition of natural gas in coal-bearing strata of coal basins and deposits of Ukraine has been substantiated and proven. Depending on the state of the coal massif, the gas component can vary widely. With active maximum gas extraction, a large amount of heavy and unsaturated hydrocarbons rises in the workings, which can provoke gas-dynamic phenomena. The restoration of the gas mixture in the coal mine lasted two months, after the massif stabilization works.
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