
  • Yu. Fedorenko
  • A. Rozko
  • I. Zharin


clay polymeric composites, swelling, hygroscopicity, moisture absorption.


Moisture absorption by clay polymer composites occurs both by condensation of the moisture in the hydrophilic pores and capillaries, and by introduction of the condensate into the walls of pores and capillaries under the influence of osmotic forces that cause swelling of the samples. The hygroscopic humidity of the samples at 12 ÷ 16 ° C can exceed 75% and depends on the activation temperature, the composition and the conditions for their polymerization. Activation of the samples at the temperature over 150 o C increases the moisture absorption by the silica gels and reduces the total moisture absorption by the composites, apparently due to the destruction or partial imidization in the polymer component. The ability of the clay polymeric composites to absorb a significant amount of the water vapor combined with their low cost allows us to suggest the use of these materials in the high humidity environments for prevention of corrosion, conservation and long-term storage of equipment, etc.


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