bolide thermodynamics, physical parameters, speed, kinetic energy, the power of resistance of environment, volume, pressure and temperature of the gas, isotopes, the composition of the cosmic balls of glandular concentrates, comet nature of bolide.Abstract
The article presents the results of the search of sanding, mineralogical and petrographic and physico-chemical studies of substance of the bright bolide EN171101 («Turia Remeta») in Transcarpathia. Recent magnetic glandular fayalite-wustite space balls, the size of which increases from west to east along the flight track bolide to the side of the bolide maximum 0.1-0.3 mm to 1.0-2.0 mm in diameter, were found and described during the research. Changes in the physical parameters of the bolide were analyzed that flies with a speed of 18.5 km / s in its orbit of 106 km in 7 seconds from a height of 81 km. As to this considerable kinetic energy and power of resistance of the environment is increasing ,that is manifested in the sharp increase of bolide glowing trail at an altitude of 30 km in the bolide with maximum increase in its high-temperature gas 106 times. Then there is a rapid narrowing of the bolide trail and thinning of it at a height of 13.5 km with decreasing speed and mass in 10 times. Bolide “Turia Remeta” was not of a meteorite but of a meteor nature. Before its initial luminosity bolide was an icy cold body - the micro comet, which revolved around the sun in an elliptical orbit around the orbit of Venus. Thermodynamic parameters of reactions in the matter of the bolide were defined. Pressure and temperature of gas in bolide are initially growing rapidly, then with increasing of volume are drastically reduced to equilibrium. These processes of the bolide are associated with its entry in the increasingly dense layers of the atmosphere and all options for reducing bolide, which makes it displacement and fading. Conditions of these blasting processes and chemical reactions turn into mainly high-water gas in falling bolide as they were defined as well. Nature of bolide is related to thermodynamic evolution of comets as voluntary and irreversible reduction of their internal energy and entropy of the system increase reaching a state of equilibrium. Primary source of the material associated with the evolution of comet material are solar prominences, which is scattered solar cooling gas plasma, the removal of light gases as a result of the diffusion and condensation aqua gas into ice, which the content of deuterium in prominences increases over protium. In the comments found free oxygen, which is formed by the reaction between liquid water and gaseous chlorine at elevated temperatures in the perihelion of comets. Conclusions about the nature the bolide as a micro comet with primary icy nucleus were made, it has the importance for Cosmo ecology.
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