
  • Yu. Fedorenko
  • A. Rozko


clay polymer composites, polymerization induction period, swelling, water permeability.


The article presents justification of the method of extension of the induction period of clay polymer composites polymerization. This method consists in employing the phenomenon of bentonite (montmorillonite) crystalline grains surface charge change in response to soda ash proportion increase in the mixtures for polymerization of the composites. It was proved that with the soda proportion increasing 10% of the bentonite mass in the mixture of bentonite with sodium acrylate, ammonium persulfate and N, N’ – methylenebisacrylamide, the conditions for polymerization of the composites without adding traditional reducers such as sodium thiosulfate or ascorbic acid evolve gradually. It has been experimentally found that during the induction period the static shear stress increases by several times while after polymerization it increases by a factor of hundreds. The composition of the composites is given to study their properties especially uniaxial pressure made by the composite during swelling in water and water permeability through the composite at head gradient of about 22. At swelling, the clay polymer composites build up pressure from 43 kPa to 56 kPa depending on the amount of the filling material – sand. The received composites have permeability coefficient of about 10-10 m/sec, swelling index from 8 g/g to 300 g/g, polymerization induction period from 20 minutes to 5 – 6 hours and other signs.


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