Donets basin, aquifers of coal-bearing massifs, mine waters.Abstract
The Krasnoarmiysk geological and industrial district is located in the southwestern part of the Donets basin. The hydrogeological conditions of the research region are complex, which is related to its tectonic features and lithological composition of water-bearing rocks. Aquifers of coal-bearing regions are, in most cases, systems of complex basins of fractured and stratified waters, which complicate the working out of mine workings. The variability of the geological and hydrogeological conditions and the intensity of water exchange determine the difference in the chemical composition of groundwater formed in coal deposits at different depths in different areas of Donbas. Aquifers are associated with sandstones, limestones, less often, siltstones. The feeding of aquifers and complexes located near the earth’s surface occurs mainly due to atmospheric precipitation and the flow of water from the layers located above. However, with an increase in the depth of occurrence, the role of pressure waters of deep horizons, the discharge of which occurs through zones of deep faults, increases in feeding. The main factor in the formation of the chemical composition of mine waters is the artificially created sharply oxidizing environment in mining operations, into which groundwater circulating in aquifers enters. The world of Kamianska, Almazna and Horlivska waters is correlated with the tectonic structure of the mine field and the coal-rock massif as a whole. The chemical characteristics of mine waters of each layers, including each production, have features that are controlled by the geological and structural factors of the coal massifs. Certain chemical elements of water change according to the features of the geological structure of the mine field and its individual workings. The aquifers of the Krasnoarmiysk coal mining district due to the development of coal seams and the closure of mines by "wet conservation" affect the change in the ecological and hydrogeological regime of the region.
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