alluvial soil cover, mycobiota, mycomycetes, polyvalent forms of mycomycetes, ubiquitous fungi.Abstract
The results of the study of the distribution of biota in the soil cover of the Smolinsk and Novokostiantynivsk uranium mines in the Kirovohrad region are highlighted. The basis of the research methodology is a systematic approach, within which general scientific methods (data analysis and synthesis) were used – selection and identification of biota. In the conditions of environmental monitoring and growing anthropogenic pressure, there is a need for a more careful attitude to the environment and the detection of new risk factors. Man, as a subject of the biosphere, is influenced not only by natural environmental factors, but also by new ones created by man himself, thereby significantly changing the environment. This dependence determines the emergence of various environmental relations between all biotic and abiotic components of the biosphere. Intensive extraction of ore from exploited deposits depletes the raw material base of mining enterprises, most of which becomes waste, sludge, and pits are formed. As part of the rehabilitation of the mine territory, alluvial soil is often used, which has its own specific features in the conditions of growing technogenesis. It was found that the number of bacteria in all soil samples decreases due to the lack of organic substances and living conditions. Mycomycetes, as multifunctional components of the soil biota, are stress-tolerant according to the type of life strategy with economical use and redistribution of nutrients in sedimentary soil. Representatives of the genera Mucor sp., Penicillium sp., Alternaria sp., Cladosporium sp. are among the first settlers to appear on man-made soils, representatives of the latter are typical bioindicators of environmental pollution. The identified changes in the quantitative and qualitative composition of the mycobiota in the man-made soil of the studied samples are fundamental for further long-term monitoring of the state of the environment of the Kirovohrad region, as well as the possibility of making a forecast regarding the toxic effect of industrial emissions on the biota as a whole.
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