mining activity, mining enterprises, environmental impact assessment, environmental impact assessment criteria.Abstract
In order to assess the impact of planned activities on the environment of mining enterprises, it is necessary to realize that the impact factors are very diverse in terms of characteristics. Therefore, during the preparation of Environmental Impact Assessment Reports of planned activities, developers are faced with the problem of defining, classifying and quantifying the impact of planned activities on the environment. A qualitative assessment of impacts without reference to an assessment scale is insufficiently informative. In this regard, the authors set a goal to develop a method of comprehensive assessment of the impact of the planned activity of mining enterprises on the environment, where the quantitative measurement of each impact on the environment will be based on the assessment of the environmental consequences of the planned activity according to defined single criteria. The work contains a list of mandatory and additional criteria for the impact of the planned activity on the environment, which should be determined during the development of the Environmental Impact Assessment Report. The types of influence of these criteria are determined and their characteristics are provided. Each of the types of impact is evaluated in points on the scale of ecological danger. A scale for evaluating the total danger of the impact of the planned activity was developed with five degrees of danger: low, moderate, medium, high, extremely high. The results of the study can become the basis for assessing the consequences of the activities of mining enterprises within the framework of conducting a comprehensive environmental assessment of the planned activity, and will also make it possible to make a qualitative scientific forecast of possible environmental changes as a result of the implementation of this or that economic decision.
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