


Ukrainian Polissia, forest biogeocenoses, soil, moss cover, fractions of mosses, 137Cs activity concentration, coefficient of 137Cs biological absorption, spatial heterogeneity, fractal geometry, Vicsek fractal


Tasks of this study – to evaluate interspecific differences of 137Cs accumulation by mosses; analyze 137Cs distribution among fractions of mosses; monitor multiyear dynamics of 137Cs content and values of 137Cs concentration ratio in mosses in 2002–2022; calculate dependence between 137Cs activity concentration in Dicranum polysetum and in the soil on the basis of statistical systematical approach; identify spatial heterogeneity of 137Cs activity concentration in moss cover and in the soil and to evaluate it quantitative using fractal geometry. Study was conducted in two stages: in 2002 and 2022 at 3 experimental plots in Zhytomyr Region, Korosten district, Povchanske forest division of Вranch “Lugyny Forestry” of State Enterprise “Forests of Ukraine”. Vegetation was presented by pine forest of association Molinio-Pinetum Matuszkiewicz (1973) 1981, by fairly infertile pine site type (В3). Mosses were sampled by fractions: increment of the 1st year, increment of the 2nd year, increments of earlier period and peat litter. The activity concentration of 137Cs was measured using SEG-001 AKP-С-150 spectrometer analyzer with scintillation detector BDEG-20-R2. Coefficient of biological absorption (СВА) was used as an index of intensity of accumulation of 137Cs in the chain “soil – moss”. In 2002 according with the mean 137Cs content in the increment of the 1st year (increments of 1–2 years) moss species can be placed in such order: Leucobryum glaucum > Dicranum polysetum > Polytrichum commune > Sphagnum palustre > S. capillifolium > Pleurozium schreberi, with interspecies differences of this index in 2,2 times. In 2002 and 2022 distribution of 137Cs activity concentration among fractions of moss species was similar: maximum values of 137Cs activity concentration were in alive, apical parts – increment of the 1st year and increments both the 1st and the 2nd years. Below this part a decrease of this index was observed in increment of the 2nd year and increments of the earlier period and peat litter. In all moss species in 2002-2022 137Cs content significantly decreased – from 2,46 times in Dicranum polysetum to 2 times in Sphagnum capillifolium. Despite a significant decrease of 137Cs activity concentration in fractions of all studied moss species mean values of СВА in 2022 decreased slightly in comparison with those of 2002. In 2022 according with the mean values of СВА moss species can be placed as follows: Leucobryum glaucum (7,42 ± 0,49) > Polytrichum commune (6,72 ± 0,45) > Sphagnum palustre (6,15 ± 0,54) > Dicranum polysetum (6,11 ± 0,43) > S. capillifolium (5,99 ± 0,56) > Pleurozium schreberi (2,97 ± 0,18). Dependence of 137Cs activity concentration in the soil from 137Cs activity concentration in Dicranum polysetum was linear, close (r = 0,76) and reliable (p = 0,000). Spatial heterogeneity of 137Cs contamination of moss cover and soil was high and had a focal character. Decreasing of mean value of 137Cs activity concentration in moss cover and in the soil depending on the grid step is a confirmation of its fractal distribution. We proposed to replace full sampling matrix by Viсsek fractal matrix, with sampling only on central column and central line or on the main diagonals of full matrix, which allows to reduce total number of samples in 5 times, with relative differences of mean values of 137Cs activity concentration in moss and soil in comparison with full matrix less than ±10%.


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