


iron ore industry, balance reserves, rich iron ores, magnetite quartzites, hematite quartzites


The article analyzes the current state and prospects of development of the iron ore industry in Ukraine. The author shows Ukraine's place in the world rankings in terms of iron ore reserves and exports. The state of the existing iron ore mining and processing enterprises is highlighted. According to special permits for the use of subsoil, the balance reserves and production volumes of rich iron ores of enterprises that develop deposits by underground mining and reserves of ferruginous magnetite quartzite, which are mined by open-pit mining and enriched at ore processing plants with further production of iron ore concentrate/pellets, are presented. It is shown that the depth of working horizons in quarries is currently 280–420 m, and working horizons in mines are 1200–1300 m. At the same time, the balance reserves are estimated to a depth of 500–600 meters in the design contours of quarries and up to 1800-1900 meters in deposits in the fields of operating mines, as well as reserves with uncertain commercial value outside the design contours of quarries and in intermine targets in the fields of mines. The problems of iron ore mining and beneficiation at the present stage are highlighted. It is shown that Ukraine has all the prerequisites for further development of the iron ore industry, namely developed infrastructure in the areas where existing enterprises are located; availability of balance reserves of iron ore raw materials at deposits and intermine areas of existing mining enterprises, the possibility of industrial development of small iron ore deposits, involvement of oxidized quartzite in the fields of existing mines and quarries and magnetite quartzite in the fields of existing mines; availability of ready-made technological solutions for mining and lifting iron ore from horizons below 2000 m in mines, transition to underground and open-pit mining of mineral deposits; technological solutions for improving the quality of magnetite concentrate and producing hematite concentrate.


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