cementation, liquid radioactive waste, blast furnace slag, compound, compressive strengthAbstract
Cementation of waste, including liquid radioactive waste (LRW), in a mineral matrix is considered an efficient method of waste conditioning for further waste disposal in near-surface storage facilities. Portland cement is widely used as a cementing binder. Though, when waste contains a significant amount of salts, especially borates, the quality of cementation decreases. The option is cementation of waste into geopolymer matrices that are characterized by increased chemical resistance, can strengthen with time, and are more cost-effective. The geopolymer formation process combines two stages – preliminary destruction of the materials (mechanical, chemical, thermal) and creation of conditions for hardening of the obtained materials. The latter is achieved when the materials are combined with alkalis (NaOH, KOH, Na2SiO3, etc.). In an alkaline environment, a geopolymer matrix which contains waste is formed. After evaporation of water, the concentration of alkalis in the still residue waste from nuclear power plants with VVER reactors reaches such levels that the residues themselves can in some cases form geopolymers, the chemical composition and hardening conditions of which are prepared in advance. Thus, the boron-bearing LRW conditioning with alkalis contained in the waste and the conditions under which this process may take place is considered. During the study of compounds based on granulated blast furnace slag from the Mariupol Metallurgical Plant, the hardening of which was carried out with alkalis of imitation boron-bearing LRW, it was found that it is possible to obtain compounds with a compressive strength of about 10 MPa. Further study of the normalized indicators of the obtained compounds can determine the possible perspective of this method of conditioning.
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