
  • V. Karabyn
  • Yu. Rak


snow, chemical composition of precipitation, macrocomponents, major ions, ammonium ions, nitrates, Boryslav, the Tysmenytsia river.


Chemical composition of precipitation on the territory of one of the oldest oilfield areas in Europe – Boryslav oilfield area has been estimated in the present research paper. Its features for further modelling of pollutants migration in the hydrosphere and lithosphere have been found. It has been established that mineralization of melt water from snow within the territory of Boryslav oilfield area ranges from 0,073 g/dm3 to 0.081 g / dm3 while mean value is 0,075 g/dm3. Meltwater consists of the following chemical elements: chloride-hydrocarbonate, magnesium, calcium and sodium. An average content of ammonium ions is 1.2 mg/dm3, nitrates – 3.582 mg/dm3. Precipitations in the south-western part of Boryslav area towards the Carpathian Mountains are the least mineralized (0.072 mg/dm3) and have the lowest concentration of ammonium ion (1.05 mg/dm3) and iron (1.1 mg/dm3). Meanwhile, one of the highest concentrations of nitrates (4,012 mg/dm3) was detected in this region. The most mineralized melt waters are in the southeast and northwest parts of Boryslav area. In general, the chemical composition of melt waters from snow in this area of research is hardly varying. In comparison with melt waters from snow cover in Carpathians, examined by the authors, snow samples are characterized by significantly higher concentrations of major ions and nitrogen compounds. In particular, the concentration of sulfate ions is 7 times higher than in samples from Chornohora mountain range, sodium and potassium – 15, calcium – 29 times. The nitrate concentration in melt waters from Boryslav is 12 times higher and ammonium ions concentration is 4 times higher as compared to melt waters in Chornohora. The mineralization of melt waters from Boryslav area is 2.3 times higher as compared to melt waters studied near Yablunytsia village on the upper reaches of the Bilyi Cheremosh River. The reason for the high concentration of major ions and nitrogen compounds is, probably, significant human impacts on the atmosphere resulting from activity of oil producing and processing enterprises of the region.


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