137Cs, liquid radioactive waste, composite adsorbent, polypropylene fibers, potassium-nickel ferrocyanide, selectivity.Abstract
Novel composite adsorbent for 137Cs concentration from contaminated waters was synthesized by deposition of K-Ni ferrocyanide layer on the modified polypropylene fibers’ surface. A two-stage synthesis was applied: radiation-induced graft polymerization of acrylic acid monomer onto the surface of polypropylene fibers, followed by in situ formation of potassium nickel ferrocyanide layer within the grafted chains. Data of scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction, and infrared spectroscopy confirmed the formation of ferrocyanide layer on the fibers’ surface. The synthesized sample was tested as adsorbent for selective removal of 137Сs from the model solution with high ratio of 137Сs ions to the sum of K and Na ions (1:2х109). The calculated values of distribution coefficient (9.4 102 cm3/g) and adsorption degree (72.4 %) testify to the high efficiency of the synthesized composite fibers in 137Cs removal from contaminated waters with high concentration of competitive ions.
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