
  • S.B. Shekhunova
  • S.N. Stadnichenko


The sulfur isotope composition has been determined for anhydrite (anhydrite layers in rock salt, as well as from rock salt insoluble residue), kieserite, and pyrite from the Lower Permian salt formation of Dnipro-Donets depression. The δ34S values for sulfates of anhydrite from basal beds and layers in rock salt are ranging from 6,5 to 16,9 ‰ for Mykytiv suite; 7,4–13,2‰ for Slovyans’k suite and 7,1‰ for Kramators’k suite; the sulfur isotope composition of anhydrite from rock salt insoluble residue is ranging from 8,4 to 15,3 ‰; the δ34S values for sulfates of kieserite from carnallite-kieserite rock insoluble residue are ranging from 8,4 to 8,9 ‰; δ34S value for pyrite from rock salt insoluble residue –8,3‰. Upwards on a section there is observed the gradual relieving of sulfur isotopic composition of anhydrite from layers of rock salt from Mykytiv to Kramators’k suite. The correlation of the obtained results with the δ34S values of global curve of sulfate–sulfur isotope composition of Phanerozoic age shows the coincidence of basic change tendencies of such Lower Permian salt formation of Dnipro-Donets depression with global conformity. The comparison of sulfur isotope composition of anhydrite from basal beds and from rock salt insoluble residue indicates an increased import of continental sulfur to the Mykytiv to Kramators’k basins and relative isolation of Slovyans’k basin. The δ34S values for sulfates of kieserite from carnallite-kieserite rock insoluble residue, which contains bischofite (Kramators’k suite), indicates the sulfur source adjacency in formation of both calcium sulfate on the early stages of basin salinity and magnesium sulfate on its late stages. The gradient of sulfur isotope lightening in sulfate-reduction process concerning the initial marine sulfate values 21,16‰.


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