water, sewage, bioengineering facilities (BIS), phytoremediation, waterproofingAbstract
To establish the possible impact of bioengineering structures (BIS) on the surrounding groundwater, a field experiment was conducted to establish the current hydrodynamic characteristics of LSI, and verify the waterproofing properties of the protective layer of LSI bed PJSC "Poltava Mining and Processing Plant". The methods of full-scale simulation experiment on the introduction of a fluorescent solution that simulates contamination during its passage through the LSI area during cleaning are used. It is established that the residence time of water that is treated in LSI is about one day. Thus, the speed of passage of treated water through the LSI (filtration rate) is about 20 m / h, which does not allow to treat wastewater properly. It is established that the speed of passage of purified water on LSI cards is much higher than the optimal speeds for phytoremediation facilities. Also statistically significantly revealed a significant hydraulic connection of LSI with groundwater, ie experimentally confirmed that the protective waterproofing screen is damaged, and in the process of LSI contamination of the surrounding groundwater. The list of statistical receptions which provide mathematical reliability of conclusions on connection of water in LSI constructions and adjoining ground waters of surrounding territories is offered. The results of research have shown that LSI facilities are hydraulically connected to the surrounding groundwater and, accordingly, LSI serves as a source of their secondary pollution. Therefore, there is a need to develop a set of measures to improve the efficiency of this LSI. One of the promising areas of research is the use of aquatic vegetation and aquatic organisms not only for phytoremediation, but also for phytoextraction and as a source of pure metals (alloying additives).
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