



dynamics, aquifer, hardness, mineralization, nitrates, chlorides, sulfates, production wells, water intake area.


The article presents the physical and geographical characteristics of the Synychan water intake section of the Izium water intake, which is located 8 km southeast of the city of Izium, Kharkiv region. Hydrogeological features of aquifers operated by 4 wells are considered. Geomorphological features of the studied territory are analyzed. Aspects of the geological structure of the site are also reflected. The analysis of indicators of chemical composition of underground waters of the Synychan water intake site since 2003 is presented. Among the most relevant to the task of chemical compounds, the values of nitrates, chlorides and sulfates content, as well as data on total hardness and mineralization were selected. An increase in performance is observed in all wells. The intensity of the increase is different for each production well and the corresponding chemical compound. This indicates at least the heterogeneity of influencing factors and processes occurring in the aquifers of this water intake area. Among such factors and processes, taking into account the shallow depths of wells, we can consider the technogenesis. Since Synychan water intake is used to supply a significant number of residential areas of Izyum, a detailed analysis of the dynamics of the presented data is appropriate. The study of the dynamics of the distribution of chemical indicators of groundwater composition over different periods using mathematical and graphical methods will not only allow to inductively study the dynamics in previous years, but also quantitatively predict future trends in water composition of interstratal aquifers in the region. Considering the growing and growing shortage of quality water resources in Ukraine, the analysis of data from water intake areas of Izyum can give a representative picture of the real local situation in the field of water management, hydrogeology and hydrogeochemistry of Izyum district in general and town of Izyum in particular.


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