forest combustible materials, fire extinguishing, water extinguishing agents, polyhexamethyleneguanidine.Abstract
The use of environmentally friendly water-extinguishing and fire-retardant substances of the guanidine series for forest fires extinguishing (including radioactively contaminated territories) and minimizing radiation effects has been substantiated. Owning the properties of the polyelectrolyte under the action of the flow, the polymer molecules are pulled along the flow, reducing the resistance during the movement of water. PGMG macromole- cules are oriented parallel to the inner surface of the tubes, thereby the intensity of turbulent ripples in the wall layer reduces, the turbulence of flows decreases alongside with hydraulic losses, which leads to the increase in fluid flow as a result. It is experimentally established that at the concentration of more than 3-5% increases the range of supply of water extinguishing agents by 10% with the use of the fire extinguisher water mine pumped VVSH-9, and the duration of extinguishing the model fire 1A reduced by 20%. A method of forest fire extinguishing (including radioactively contaminated territories) is proposed, which includes the use of the water extinguishing agent based on polymeric surfactant polyhexameth- yleneguanidine (PGMG) directly for extinguishing the edge of a fire with the simultaneous use of PGMG salts. It has been established that the use of the proposed method of forest fire extinguishing can reduce the duration of fire extinguishing by 3-4 times, due to the use of hydrodynamically active polymers of guanidine series as water and extinguishing agents and simultaneous formation on the treated surface of the forest combustible materials of polymeric insulation layer which thermal degradation materials act as combustion inhibitors. The use of water-extinguishing and flame-retardant substances of guanidine series for prevention of wind migration in radioactively contaminated territories as a result of radioactive dust sedimenta- tion and dust suppression with subsequent accumulation of some radionuclides in the upper layers of the treated forest combustible materials has been substantiated. The promising of using the proposed method of forest fire extinguishing to reduce the power of the exposure dose of personnel of fire departments and to prevent forest fires and minimize the economic, environmental and social consequences from them has been shown.
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